
Monday, 10 November 2014

Some freezer cooking - and Poppies!

So the other day I needed to replenish my freezer stocks.  I'd had my eye on this recipe for a while having seen it on - which is a fantastic blog.  i am not vegan but have an interest in vegetarian and vegan food and Pixie's blog is a great one to follow.  Link is opposite.

So here is Vegetable, Coconut and Mango curry from Plant based Pixie

Please visit her website for this and other great recipes (I don't want to plagiarise her recipes)

Also made a traditional chilli - any veg goes through the liquidiser so J doesn't realise it's in there - in this case it was onion, garlic and peppers, there may have been courgette also.  Shhh don't tell.

And finally some spicy butternut squash, carrot and coriander soup.

I used a tablespoon of coconut oil which i melted, then added a chopped up onion and a couple of cloves of garlic, crushed.  Fried that gently for about 10 minutes.

I then added some cumin and turmeric and fried that off for a minute (a rounded tablespoon of each I would guess)
Add a small butternut squash - peeled, seeded and diced
and around 4 large carrots - diced
sauted it all gently for around 5 mins
I then made up about 1 1/2 litres of vegetable bouillon (but stock is fine) which I added and simmered the whole lot for around 20 mins until veg was softened.
I then added a bunch of coriander roughly chopped and blitzed with my stick blender.
It made four portions which I have frozen individually to take to work for lunch.

On a different note, I made a visit to the Poppies at the Tower - such a stunning sight.

I am no photographer, but i hope it gives an idea.

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