So here is Vegetable, Coconut and Mango curry from Plant based Pixie
Please visit her website for this and other great recipes (I don't want to plagiarise her recipes)
Also made a traditional chilli - any veg goes through the liquidiser so J doesn't realise it's in there - in this case it was onion, garlic and peppers, there may have been courgette also. Shhh don't tell.
And finally some spicy butternut squash, carrot and coriander soup.
I then added some cumin and turmeric and fried that off for a minute (a rounded tablespoon of each I would guess)
Add a small butternut squash - peeled, seeded and diced
and around 4 large carrots - diced
sauted it all gently for around 5 mins
I then made up about 1 1/2 litres of vegetable bouillon (but stock is fine) which I added and simmered the whole lot for around 20 mins until veg was softened.
I then added a bunch of coriander roughly chopped and blitzed with my stick blender.
It made four portions which I have frozen individually to take to work for lunch.
On a different note, I made a visit to the Poppies at the Tower - such a stunning sight.
I am no photographer, but i hope it gives an idea.
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